Congrats to TAM's amazing 320* women: Nancy Ridout, Mary Alexandre, Kristin Jaffe, Glenda Carroll, Meredith Pechoultres, and Linda Shoenberger!
Well, we did it! Not only did we make a statement, we swam fast! Three National and Pacific records out of four relays isn't shabby!! Who'd have thunk! Not only are they old, they can set national records in swimming!! We saw an opportunity and boy did we run with it!!
Thanks to you all! Those of you who never considered yourselves elite Masters swimmers now know better. All of you are fine athletes and I'm proud to have been part of your team!! Everybody showed up ready to swim and we surprised everyone including ourselves! Well, maybe we didn't surprise Kristin. She seemed to know all along we could make our mark on the record books. Though it wasn't part of the plan, it sure was icing on the cake!
Mary was our rock; she swam every relay and gave a great start in each!
Kristin travelled all the way from Tucson to help give us an age benefit, her great swimming, and to be a part of this effort.
Glenda put aside her desire to do the Open Water Festival in Santa Cruz this weekend to swim our relays and sacrificed herself to train for and do a great 50m fly!
Meredith overcame her fear of "not being good enough", committed to swimming 100m free and guess what, you're a national champion now Meredith!
Linda drove all the way from Reno to help her team swim and anchored all the record breaking relays!
Nancy just basked in the friendships, the racing together, and being part of something she thought we could do. It's definitely the highlight of her summer.

From left to right: Mary Alexandre, Meredith Pechoultres, Nancy Ridout, and Linda Shoenberger.
Photo: Michele McCabe

Glenda Carroll (l) and Mary Alexandre (r)
Photo: Michele McCabe

The cheering squad (including Kristin Jaffe on the left)
Photo: Michele McCabe
* In Long Course competitions, relays are classified by the total age of the 4 swimmers. On a 320 relay, the average age is 80+.